How to Find Superfoods That Suitable For Your Skin

These are the unsung heroes in the pantry, or items you have bypassed thousands of times in the supermarket shelves, but it’s time to pay attention as they could help you to boost collagen, even out skin tone and prevent acne breakouts. This will ensure you are looking your best on your wedding day.

No crazy exercises, no injections and no cosmetic procedures necessary.

What’s even better, some of the items from this list are things you may never have thought of!


Chia seeds

These are not only the latest must-have smoothie ingredient, but sprinkling some of these onto your breakfast will help you benefit from Omega-3 fatty acids, which help to keep your skin strong and plump by boosting new collagen production.



Keen-wha!? It can prove a challenge for the uninitiated to pronounce, but quinoa is packed with riboflavin, which helps your skin’s elasticity and the production of connective tissue.

In layman’s terms, it’s a warrior against fine lines and wrinkles.



Don’t we all love a list with chocolate on it?! This doesn’t mean you can chow down on a block a day in the name of healthy skin (the opposite will probably happen), but research shows two squares of 70% cacao a day gives you good levels of antioxidant that reduces skin inflammation.



Sun damage is one of the biggest challenges your skin faces on a daily basis and enjoying tomatoes, cooked or raw, or tomato paste every day can help to protect your skin from the sun.